Wednesday, February 22, 2012

At least 1020 high power (1000 ‡ oil immersion) ...

Bacterial vaginosis

(BV) or, less vaginal bacteriosis is caused from. According to the U.S. (CDC), risk factors include douching and BV new or multiple sexual partners, although it is unclear what role sexual activity plays in developing BV. BV is caused by an imbalance of the natural bacterial flora and are often confused with () or infection

(), which is caused by bacteria. [The most common symptom of BV is an abnormal uniform off white vaginal discharge (especially after sex) with an unpleasant odor. This category covers a smelly vaginal wall, and usually without irritation or pain. Unlike normal vaginal discharge will change in the sequence and number around >> << and his clear about 2 weeks before the launch. [A healthy vagina normally contains many, some of them are general Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. Lactobacilli, particularly hydrogen peroxide production species, perhaps to prevent other vaginal microorganisms multiply to the point where they cause symptoms. Microorganisms involved in BV are very diverse, but include,, and. Change the normal bacterial flora including the reduction of lactic acid bacteria, which may be caused by the use of antibiotics or pH balance, allows more resistant bacteria to gain a foothold and multiply. Although BV may be due to the fact that no clear evidence of transmission through sexual contact. [Source It is possible for sexually inactive people get bacterial vaginosis. Rather, BV is razuporyadochenyya chemical and biological equilibrium. A recent study examines the link between sexual partner treatment and elimination of recurrence of BV. men and women are at particular risk for this infection. Bacterial vaginosis may sometimes affect women after. In 2005, research scientists

in Belgium showed that subclinical iron deficiency () was a strong predictor of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women. Longitudinal study published in February 2006 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed the relationship between psychosocial stress and bacterial vaginosis independent of other risk factors. [[For the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis, vaginal smear should be obtained. These swabs should be tested for:

characteristic "fishy" smell to. This test, called << test >> blown, carried out by adding a small amount >> << to contain vaginal discharge. Characteristic >> << considered a positive test breath and this indicates bacterial vaginosis. Loss. To control the growth of bacteria in the vagina, usually slightly acidic with

3. 84. 2. Smear from the category to put on

size of e coli bacteria

, to check it acidity. PH over 4. 5 is alkaline and it indicates bacterial vaginosis. The presence of a wet mount. As a breath test, test key cells is done by placing a drop of solution on >> << slide containing vaginal discharge. If the key cells can be visualized under a microscope. They are so named because they provide the key to cause discharge. This

cells covered by bacteria. Two positive results in addition to the category itself is enough to diagnose BV. If no discharge, all three criteria needed. [Source [normal level. (Thrush or yeast infection). , Infection caused. [Thin, white, yellow, homogeneous category

in vaginal fluid 4. 5

release fish smell when adding 10% (KOH) solution. At least three of the four criteria must be present at the confirmed diagnosis. [As strattera 10mg an alternative you can use the Gram-stained vaginal smears from the Hay / Ison criteria.

Hay / Ison criteria defined as follows:

Grade 1 (normal): morfotipov prevail. 2nd Class (Intermediate): Mixed flora with some lactobacilli are present, but Gardnerella or Mobiluncus morfotipov also present. Grade 3 (bacterial vaginosis): Predominantly Gardnerella and / or Mobiluncus morfotipov. Little or no lactobacilli. (Hay et al., 1994)

What this technique loses in interobserver reliability, it is in the ease and speed of use. Criteria. This scale of 0-10 points is formed from a combination of three points. This method is time-consuming and requires skilled personnel, but it is high. [7 + index is BV. At least 1020 high power (1000 ‡ oil immersion) fields are calculated and defined medium. compared to Gram stain using Nugent criteria and DNA hybridization tests confirm VPIII in the diagnosis of BV. Reaffirm VPIII test detected Gardnerella in 107 (93. 0%) of 115 samples of vaginal Gram positive diagnosis of BV. Reaffirm VPIII test has

87. 7%

96% and can be used for rapid diagnosis of BV in symptomatic women. [[Or, orally or vaginally is effective treatment. However, there is a high likelihood of relapse. The usual medical treatment for the treatment of antibiotic metronidazole (500 mg twice daily every 12:00) for 7 days. Single dose of 2 g is no longer recommended by CDC due to low efficiency. Advanced release of metronidazole is an alternative recommendation. Unlike some other infectious diseases that affect the female sexual organs, according to some sources, the treatment of sex partners are not necessarily recommended. [In 2009, one does not find a different conclusion, they were effective in combination with antibiotics. [Although previously considered merely nuisance infection, untreated bacterial vaginosis can cause serious complications such as increased susceptibility to STIs, including HIV, and may present other complications for pregnant women. [It is assumed that 1 in 3 women will develop the state at some point in their lives. [[.

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